2021 Shopping Trends – and The Importance of Retail Security Systems

Posted on 26 Jan 2021
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After a tumultuous, COVID-affected 2020, the rollout of a vaccine has seen hope spring towards 2021 being better– especially for retailers, many of whom were closed for large parts of last year. As providers of retail security systems here atTagmax, it's our business to keep abreast of the latest changes and trends in the industry our products protect. With this in mind, we're going to take a look how things might change for store owners in the next 12 months – and why it's important for security to be at the forefront of any changes.

2021 Retail Trends & The Importance of Robust Retail Security Systems.

What Will Change In 2021?

  • Focus on hygiene and safety. An obvious must for any public-serving space, the need to keep stores clean and safe in2021 will be as important as it was last year. Aside from robust retail security systems, customers and staff will feel secure if stores placeCOVID-safe measures at the top of their priority lists. So, expect (more)instances of queuing systems, social distancing markers, contactless payments and hand sanitation stations. Attention should be drawn to the hand sanitisers and the need to wear masks in-store – having clear signage is not only a good way of reminding people to do these actions, but it will also provide the reassurance to everyone else that the store has taken all the measures it can for them to enjoy a safe shopping experience.
  • Omnichannel retailing. The pandemic has been a stark reminder that any retailer should have some kind of online presence; even if it's just something as small as a social media account to inform people of what's happening. Many others already had eCommerce sites –some even established them for the first time during the pandemic to fulfill orders – this is all a clear sign that 'Omnichannel Retailing' will be the future of the industry. The combination of the physical and online stores may see people order something online and receive it in-store, or vice versa. While people have been prophesying doom for physical retailers for some time now, the truth is that the stores who offer their customers a multitude of shopping options stand the best chance of maintaining (and growing) their footfall.
  • Changing shopping habits. Window shopping and browsing is likely to be a reduced activity going forwards; changing how we shop. While previously we could afford plenty of time and space to lookтaround at items that we might want to buy, with us having to make concessions for social distancing and mask-wearing, we will likely have a solid idea of what we need to buy before we go in-store. This is another reason why omnichannel retailing is so important – if a retailer is able to present the items it sells online, customers are able to look them up and decide to order before they make the trip.
  • Push for more sustainability. While this has been a growing trend for several years, 2020 understandably saw the focus of customers shift towards hygiene and safety. Beyond Corona, sustainability will remain an essential consideration for shoppers; they would like to visit stores that take a committed approach to offering products and experiences that align with their own practices.
  • Offer more customer value. This doesn't necessarily mean offering reasonably-priced produce, but 'customer value' in the way of fantastic service, a wide range of options (omnichannels!) or some specialist information they cannot find elsewhere at competitors. This sort of value often transcends the label price; customers tend to go (and stick) with stores that make them feel comfortable and offer them more beyond the simple sale.

The Importance of Robust Retail Security In 2021.

With the lockdown providing ample time for a business to rethink its strategies, now is the perfect time to reassess their approach to security. Retail theft is a major loss area for many firms; in2019, the Centre For Retail Research said that external and internal theft accounted for more than HALF of the shrinkage experienced by UK stores. If you consider that the main focus of staff will be on trying to keep the shopfloor hygienic and safe in 2021, it may well provide more opportunities for anyone with nefarious intentions to steal.

A great help in ensuring this isn't likely to happen, will be the rollout of robust retail security systems – such as EAStags. Working with an accompanying EAS system, product tags offer a great way to track whether any items are taken close to the store's exit –giving staff the ability to attend these incidents, as well as concentrate on other tasks. Despite the tracking aspect being the fundamental role of EAStags, the deterrent they provide, simply by being a visible presence on products, is a big reason why so many retailers choose to use them.

If you run your own retail operation and are considering making changes to your security for 2021, why not consider the services of our team here at Tagmax? For many years, we have been providing shop security systems to help protect retail outlets of all shapes and sizes. Not only have we helped to design comprehensive security systems to provide the highest levels of protection, but we are also able to supply and install these solutions too.

Get In Touch With Our Retail Security Experts.

Please take the time to browse around our site to learn more about us and our retail security systems. As vastly-experienced retail security experts, we can provide any advice and assistance you may need to set up a robust security plan – so make sure you get in touch if you have any additional questions; call 0800 044 3160 or e-mail sales@tagmax.com.

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