5 Great Tips on Designing A Christmas Retail Security Plan

Posted on 15 Sep 2017
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Late September represents the beginning of the end for the last quarter of 2017 – meaning an extremely busy time for retailers. In an effort to avoid those often-overbearing crowds, or to pick up some early deals, many people start their Christmas shopping early. This is why many forward-thinking retailers are putting in place their security plans NOW, so when the really busy Christmas season starts, their store, staff and stock will be protected. This is something that our CCTV installers in Richmond can help with.

Experienced CCTV Installers in Richmond, Across London and Throughout The South East

Here at Tagmax, we have been providing retail security in London and the South East for over 20 years now. Our CCTV installers in Richmond have been creating tailored security solutions for all manner of retailers and other types of businesses. Our experience has allowed us to garner an industry-leading knowledge of retail security and as such, we are able to implement a unique security set-up in any type of retail store.

If you're in charge of a retail operation that is seeking better security, read on to see our 5 great tips on designing a retail security plan for the busy Christmas season.

Tips on Improving Retail Security In Time For Christmas

When it comes to creating a retail security plan, the objectives should be to treat shoplifting and general theftprotect the premises from criminal damage/break-ins and to protect employees and customers from abuse and violence.

With this in mind, here are 5 tips on how retailers are able to achieve these objectives:

  • The Importance of Research - The first step in any plan should be to research the environment offered and the scenarios that could potentially take place within it. Failure to correctly assess the situation could result in long-term security issues for the building. As such, you should consider the amount of space available and ensure that each and every aspect abides by health and safety laws. Think about which areas are likely to be the busiest and how you can effectively monitor those areas.
    You should also research your employees. Whilst in an ideal world we would certainly like to trust everyone, the reality is somewhat different. Sadly, employee theft in the workplace is a serious problem and counts heavily towards the losses that retailers suffer each year. With the Christmas shopping season approaching, many businesses will be hiring temporary staff to work during the Christmas period. However, even though these staff members are temporary, it is very important that you check their references, their previous employers or if necessary, do a background check. This may be a time-consuming process but if it potentially saves your business from losses, it will be time well spent.
  • Install Modern CCTV – Today, CCTV cameras are used for many different things; whether its security, monitoring, or even to gather intelligence; there is much a modern CCTV system can do. The added caveat is that with today's technology, you can take advantage of high-definition digital CCTV cameras that can capture crisp and clear images that can read even the finest of details, such as a label on a shelf. These abilities are precisely why they can also be used as an information tool. With additional software you can perform such tasks as footfall analytics, stock fulfilment and people counting – basically everything you could ever need to sufficiently measure the performance of your business.
  • Consider The Security Of Your Building – Your attention will likely be drawn to lots of different areas of your business during Christmas time; so whilst you're preparing your security systems, make sure that your building is secure. After all – shoplifting isn't the only cause of loss through theft; even after the store has closed for the evening, the potential of theft from the outside still exists. As such, you should undertake regular checks of the premises, making sure that any potential point of entry is secure and that all windows and doors are locked. Any weak or damaged points of entry should be repaired right away.
  • Use A Reliable Tag Alarm System – Tag alarm systems offer a great way to protect your expensive stock. Placed upon the product or its packaging, the tag will be sensed by the pedestal or underfloor system (located close to the store's exit) when taken into its field of monitoring. This will then alert you to the fact, giving you or your security staff ample time to halt its progress out of the store.
    As time moves on – so do the shoplifters. Many have become wise to older security tags and devise ways to remove them in-store before walking out with the product. By investing in new, modern security tags you will be able to make this prospect much harder – and what's more, modern security tags are fitted with an additional alarm – so if they're tampered with, you'll know about it.
  • Employ Security Staff – Whilst security systems can be very useful in order to protect both your merchandise and the safety of your employees, sometimes the specialist skills of professional security staff are needed to treat issues on the shop floor (such as preventing theft and handling disturbances). What's more, working alongside a modern CCTV or tagging system, they'll be able to sufficiently treat crime and offer a reassuring presence for your genuine customers and staff members alike.

Searching For A Retail Security Solution? Contact The Tagmax Team Of CCTV Installers In Richmond Today.

If you're searching for additional information regarding retail security, you can find a fantastic selection of information on our blog. You can browse blogs discussing topics such as Council Cuts To CCTV, methods of Combating Employee Theft and much more. Additionally, if you have any questions regarding retail security or any of the products and/or services that are available from Tagmax, please feel free to contact the Tagmax team.

If you would like further information regarding any of the retail security solutions that are available from Tagmax, please feel free to contact our CCTV installers in Richmond today. You can call us on, 0800 044 3160 or alternatively, if you would prefer to contact us online please feel free to send an email to sales@tagmax.co.uk.

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