Hybrid Cloud Security: The Next Big Step For Security Camera Companies

Posted on 14 Nov 2018
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With the capabilities of today's average security camera allowing for high-definition pictures, it may be hard to see where improvements can go next – the whole point of them is to record images, right? The question you need to ask yourself is, where are these recordings stored – or more aptly, how are they picked up and sent for storage in the first place?

In recent years, security camera companies have been taking advantage of the improvements with internet connectivity to create wireless networks that can send information from security cameras to their storage mediums as quickly as possible. This negates the need for closed-circuit systems and their limited networking capabilities, instead creating a system that will provide complete customisation for the user.

In this latest age of the internet though, security camera installers can use computer vision and remote access to create hybrid cloud camera systems that give users the opportunity to take a software-first approach to their security. It is an innovation that has flipped the industry on its head –but is it worth investing in now?

What Exactly Is Hybrid Cloud Security? Why Are Security Camera Companies Moving Towards Them?

Hybrid cloud security systems are designed to both improve the effectiveness of a user's security capabilities, yet streamline and make its operation faster. All that a hybrid system needs is a camera and a PoE switch to operate – so no additional hardware or software to manage. The footage it captures can be accessed remotely, through a web browser or an app, installed on any internet-connecting device.

Unlike cloud-based systems, hybrid cloud systems are not designed to stream all of the footage it captures to The Cloud. Instead, they take a more intelligent approach,designed to minimise the bandwidth it uses; instead of sending everything across the wireless network (which Cloud-based system do), it stores footage on the camera itself and will only upload thumbnails to The Cloud. Thanks to the camera's smart activity detection (the ability to automatically identify certain activity within the areas it monitors) and its use of compression algorithms, hybrid cloud systems are often known to use around 20 kbps of bandwidth per camera – using more only when being viewed live. This vastly reduces the chances of system failure or even security being compromised.

As the rise of internet-connecting devices and software-driven tools have lifted the capabilities of video surveillance systems, the integrated software they need to run has transformed the way an operator uses the system. So whilst using the software provides many benefits for the operator (such as the ability to gather invaluable analytical insights) they also introduce a number of time-consuming challenges.

The point of the internet is, of course, to make things quicker and easier for us to use. As time has gone on and the qualities of cameras and software have improved, it is now possible for systems to better utilise the software it needs it run – saving the operator the added hassle in doing it themselves. Through the use of hybrid cloud systems, security camera companies are able to create a solution that is more secure, simple and scalable.

Is Making An Investment Now Worth It?

As time goes on, operators will constantly be evaluating their existing camera set-ups and comparing it to any alternative solutions on the market that are more technically advanced. This leads them to ask, should we be supplementing or optimising these cameras, or completely replace them altogether?

Ultimately, making the right investment depends on a number of different factors, including the existing infrastructure, bandwidth capabilities and any storage limitations that they may have. It may be the case that the operator has perfectly good cameras in place and great conditions that a hybrid camera can work with. In other cases, they may need to replace the entire network in order to establish an effective security solution. Either way, understanding what they have and how it may be improved now is vital.

As the industry continues to shift towards the use of hybrid cloud systems that replace obsolete equipment, it's easy to see them becoming the standard sooner, rather than later – especially when you consider that they can be easily installed by security camera companies and managed by the user with some of their existing cameras. What hybrid cloud systems offer is future proofing – the ability to combine past technologies with any future innovations. Any investment that makes concessions for the future must be worth it, surely?

Need To Improve Your Existing Security Camera Infrastructure? Get In Touch With The Experts

For over two decades, the team here at Tagmax have constantly been pushing the boundaries when it comes to supplying our clients with the latest security systems. Our work with security camera companies allows us to source a range of different equipment and software, all designed to help clients create their own bespoke security solutions. With no business, operation or building being the same,being able to create a custom solution, will help to establish security that works. Our industry experience and products leaves us well placed to help.

If you would like more information about our service and how our products can help to improve your security, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us directly today. You can call us on 0800 044 3160 or you can send any questions via e-mail to sales@tagmax.co.uk

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