The Impact Artificial Intelligence Is Having on Integrated Security Systems

Posted on 07 Mar 2019
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There can be no denying that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been growing in its influence on many industries – security is no exception. Along with the usage of smart technology, the prospect of AI taking a major grip upon our security is tantalisingly close to becoming reality.

At present, the usage of AI has been focused on completing specific tasks, such as object recognition, identity management and physical activities (through the use of robots and drones). However, with a growing field of mobile devices, cloud storage and biometrics, AI and its integration with access control systems will see the future of a once-stagnant security application looking extremely diverse.

In this blog, we're going to be looking at the two main security categories that AI and access controls can be broken into; physical security and cyber security. Although both of them are unique, they will each rely on AI to bring together multiple applications to achieve improved security results when opposed to the more traditional processes. So let's get to it.

The Different Categories of AI Security

Physical Security

AI has been applied to the physical security applications of video analytics and operational efficiency. With each, AI has had a major, immediate impact in informing functionality and efficiencies.

  • Video analytics. AI's influence in the security industry can be seen through its application to video analytics. Ai had eliminated the need for predetermined algorithms, allowing the AI to grab and understand data in real-time. Traditionally, video analytics would send out alerts to the operator whenever a person (or object) would pass through a barrier. Now, because of the learning abilities of AI, video analytics are able to identify security risks through facial recognition.

    Such a system would be ideal to use in a retail store or large event. The software works with the security camera system to cross-reference footage against a watch-list database. If any persons of interest are discovered, an alert will be sent to staff who can then treat the situation. Another common way that AI recognition can be used in conjunction with video analytics, is to identify and reference things like car license plates etc.
  • Operational efficiency. AI is also used by companies to engage with their customers and employees to improve operational efficiency. Security solutions that use video analytics or networked access control can utilise the data they capture to identify behavioural patterns of employees and visitors to a building. The business can then take the data to interpret ways of increasing the efficiency of their operation. As an example – access control information can be used to identify when certain rooms are not occupied, so the energy usage taken up by them can be reduced.

Cyber Security

As business systems continue to become more interconnected and distributed, the need for seamless, continuous and accurate access to information will become increasingly important. Due to these vast systems, advanced authentication systems (such as AI) will play a much larger role than what they do today. The use of passwords will no longer be necessary, instead they will be replaced with AI-based access controls.

90% of cyber attacks are a direct cause of a users' inability to protect and manage their passwords, so it is evident that our current approach is not ideal to support the security of the future, when more of our devices will be interconnected.

This is the reason that Identity and Access Management (IAM) is fast-becoming increasingly more intricate as more authentication factors are put in place to ensure robust security. AI can play a big role in collecting and analysing that information far faster than we humans do.

The Future of AI As An Integrated Security Solution

There can be no doubting that many of today's access control tasks will become increasingly automated and performed by machines that employ AI at their core. This change will provide a continuous challenge for the security industry, as there will be inevitable vulnerabilities that accompany new technologies that are a part of many of today's business operations. Technology such as AI, machine learning and automation will be better placed to quickly find security solutions, forcing their evolution moving forward.

Need To Learn More About AI Security Camera Systems? Get In Touch With Tagmax

Here at Tagmax, we constantly stay on the cusp of the latest technology trends in the industry – it is why we have spent over two decades at the top of the CCTV game, after all. Using AI with cameras and their accompanying software is fast-growing – and not just because of their security benefits. With the right cameras and know-how, a business can use their technology to better understand their operation, improving it beyond what they even thought possible.

If you would like to learn more, why not give our friendly team a call on 0800 044 3160 or send an e-mail to

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