Why Is A New Security Camera Installation Worth Investing In

Posted on 19 Aug 2018
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Regardless if you're looking for a single camera or a whole host of them to protect your retail store, warehouse, public institution or your home, whenever the prospect of investing in a new security camera installation appears, thoughts will naturally go towards the cost: is it worth it?

If you don't have an existing system installed then the answer has to be a resounding yes –able to monitor and record any incidents that may arise inside or outside of your property, CCTV is vital in gathering evidence. If you run any kind of public building, possessing a camera may be a must-have for insurance purposes anyway.

But what if you already have an existing system in place,one that has served you well enough? Why bother going to the expense in investing in a new one? In this blog, we're going to cover why a new system is worth investing in.

Making An Investment In A Security Camera Installation

Unfortunately, we cannot be present in the same place all of the time – the demands on our time dictate where we must be and if you run your own building, be that a commercial business or anything else, then that time will be hard pressed. This is why CCTV is such a great tool to utilise – it provides you with additional sets of eyes to look after things for when you're not there. Aside from (or more aptly, due to) its recording abilities, a CCTV camera actually plays a big part in offering a deterrent to those who may be intent on causing harm.

The trouble is that, even as relatively-recently as 15 years ago, the qualities of a security camera installation has changed immensely. Gone are the video tapes, discs or any kind of removable media you may classically associate with CCTV, and in comes high-definition recording, wireless connectivity with mobile devices and virtual storage provided by The Cloud.

Previously, you would have to be present on site to rewind or fast-forward through hours of recordings – recordings that often didn't offer any real identifiable evidence. With the digital footage provided by HD CCTV, you are able to quickly scan to the point you need and thanks to the quality of the image, you'll be able to zoom in enough to see an identifiable image. Heck, you don't even have to be on site to do all of this – you can use the aforementioned wireless internet to beam live (or recorded) pictures direct to your mobile phone or tablet device. Ideal if you do indeed find yourself pressed for time and need to be elsewhere.

HD CCTV: Securing The Security

With more-modern CCTV taking advantage of virtual storage,this negates the reliance on physical storage media to hold your images. Not only will this remove additional costs in purchasing tapes, discs or hard-drives in the first place, it will also settle any worries you may have for the security of the security evidence– it's far from uncommon for physical CCTV footage to have been compromised or tampered with in the past.

Another great thing about these modern systems? They aren't as expensive as you may think – as time has worn on and high-definition has become more commonplace, it has become realistically affordable for any size or type of business or institution to improve their security with such systems. So there has never been as good a time as any to make that wise investment – will you make it, too?

Make The Right Investment In Your CCTV Security, With Tagmax

If you're searching for help in establishing a new security camera installation, then you've found the right place here at Tagmax. For over 20 years we have been supplying the latest security systems to help people and organisations alike to protect their properties and those within them.

In terms of security cameras, we can say that there has been no better time than now to think about investing in new ones. Their high qualities in regards to recording, storage and scalability, combined with the price, makes them stand out for their value – a great investment is one that can glean the maximum out of its a price, something which a HD CCTV camera achieves with ease. In fact, the benefits that a new CCTV camera can bring to the table are almost limitless, when compared to their older counterparts.

Here at Tagmax, we work with some of the most innovative CCTV manufacturers in the world, presenting our clients the opportunity to attain a whole range of great-value cameras that will allow them to create a customisable security plan for their property. Why not get in touch with us today to learn more?

Need To Learn More About Our Security Camera installation Service? Get In Touch!

If you would like more information on how we are able to help you to achieve the ideal security camera installation within your building, please feel free to give our security experts a call today on 0800 044 3160. You can also contact us via e-mail at sales@tagmax.co.uk

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