How Do RF and RFID Tags Help Retailers To Combat Shoplifting?

Posted on 13 Dec 2016
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No matter the time of year, loss of profit through theft is a headache that all business owners could do without. Sadly though, it's an all-too-common issue; an issue that has contributed heavily to the losses through crime that retailers suffered last year. Helping to combat the threat of shoplifting, are shop security tags, such as RF and RFID tags, that are able to sufficiently sense a product that is taken through an area in which their transmitter is monitoring. Providing an effective solution in preventing the theft of valuable items, it's no surprise to see that many retailers are turning to these systems to keep track of their products.

At Tagmax, we have over 20 years of experience in providing high-quality security systems to a wide range of businesses; from small, start-up firms to some of the most experienced players in the retail game. With the changing nature of technology in that time, we have constantly improved our product lines and can assure you that we retail only the highest-quality of systems at the most cost-effective of prices. So whatever environment you operate in, we are able to implement a security system that will be able to meet your requirements.

RF and RFID: Ideal shop security tags.

The most-commonly used types of tags in retail environments are RF and RFID tags, which you may find on expensive items such as clothing, alcohol and entertainment goods. Here are the differences between the two and the different environments that they're used in:

  • RF tags - Commonly known as Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), RF tags do not differ from one another, making them unable to identify which item they're attached to. When passed through a scanning field, the system will detect that something is being stolen, but not necessarily what it is. These types of tags offer a cost-effective solution for businesses who are looking for a basic alarm system that won't break the bank.
    Perhaps the most-popular type of RF tag is the Acousto-Magnetic (AM) tag that makes use of a radio wave to communicate with the alarm system. The transmitter gives off pulses of radio waves, when the tag strikes through the created field, the transmitter will pick up the signal and verify the correct frequency before setting off the alarm. One major advantage of the RF tag is that they are able to be picked up by the transmitter from a distance, at an extremely quick speed, which makes them very popular to use in many retail stores. If you think about the amount of time in which someone takes to walk or run through a shop doorway with an item that they've stolen, then you can see how important it is to have such an effective warning system in place.
  • RFID tags - These types of tags are more advanced than RF tags as they are able to identify the item to which they have been attached. A good example of the use of RFID tags is through a library's self-checkout machine, which produces radio waves that look for a tag that has been placed either in the back or inside the front cover of a book. Once the tag has been sensed and the code it contains is read, the information that is decoded will be transmitted back to the computer system, updating its records with the book you've just taken out or returned. With this ability to sufficiently identify stock items, RFID tags are also often used in warehouse and industrial environments. When compared to RF tags, RFID tags only work within a short distance; sometimes you would need to place the tag close to the transmitter/scanner for it to be read.

The usage of pedestal systems alongside tags – and the benefits they provide.

If you walk into a retail environment, you'll probably notice a pedestal system installed by the doors. These are the transmitters that are designed to sense tags that are taken through their field of monitoring. By placing them by the doors, retailers are able to effectively identify who is attempting to steal something, because as we've learned; RF tags especially, can be sensed before the item that they're attached to, is taken through the space in between the barriers and subsequently, through the door.

Aside from their abilities to effectively track items, there are many other benefits that shop security tags, along with pedestal systems, provide:

  • Affordability – If you consider how much profit you're likely to lose through theft, then implementing a tagging system will provide a cost-effective solution. In the long-term, you'll notice that the initial cost of the system will pay itself back very quickly – and with security tags able to be purchased in bulk for an extremely low price, they provide the perfect anti-theft solution for any retailer.
  • Help to set a good atmosphere in-store - Running a retail operation, you would want your staff to be able to go about their jobs without having to worry about looking out for shoplifters, placing another aspect on their already-busy job. At least with security tagging equipment installed, they will be able to concentrate on the job in hand, feeling secure in the knowledge that any attempts at theft will be identified. This good atmosphere that has been generated will also work to make a customer's experience of your store much better too.
  • Ease of use - Another great aspect of a security tag is that they are very easy to be attached to a wide range of items but very difficult to remove without a deactivator. With your store possessing the tool to remove the tags, you can ensure little waiting time for your customers, as they wait for their products to have their tags removed.
  • Consistency - With the nature of security tags, being made from strong and durable materials, they simply cannot be removed without using specialist tools. Thealarm system itself will only sound if a tag is sensed, so it's unlikely that any mistakes will be made if a tag isn't removed from an item.

Ensure that your business doesn't lose out through theft – get in touch with Tagmax today.

Providing all of the benefits listed, many stores have found the usage of shop security tags and their accompanying pedestal systems to be the perfect weapon against shoplifting. For more information on our tagging services, or any of our other retail security systems, please don't hesitate to call our Customer Support Team, who will be delighted to help, on 0800 044 3160. Alternatively you can e-mail us at

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