5 Great Reasons Why You Should Think About Installing EAS Security Systems In 2018

Posted on 11 Jan 2018
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Happy New Year! Following the busy end-of-year shopping season, it can be easy for some on the outside of the retail sector to think that a trader's work is done and they can slow down and put their feet up for a bit (like Father Christmas himself!) The fact of the matter is, they can't – whilst it's likely that retailers will experience a downturn in customers in the early part of the year, the need to manage and protect its profit margins remains as vital as ever – something that EAS security systems can help with.

If you're a retailer that is thinking about improving the security of your store for 2018, in this blog we're going to look at how electrical article surveillance can help to protect your important stock and even make for a better in-store atmosphere and shopping experience for customers.

How Can EAS Security Systems Help My Retail Operation?

The usage of EAS security systems is nothing new, of course; you will have definitely seen them if you regularly purchase clothing or electrical items – you may already use them as part of your store's security. These systems work with EAS tags to understand when the product they've been assigned to protect has entered their field of monitoring. Once this security barrier is breached, an alarm will sound, altering staff to the fact. Although the effectiveness of the system's sensing abilities and field size will depend upon its age, condition and positioning within the store – so if you do indeed employ an existing security system, it may be worth your while in thinking about updating.

EAS tags aren't designed to be removed easily by simple hand tools – in fact, they can only be removed by a unique deactivator that will be operated from the store's point-of-purchase. Aside from virtually shutting down any opportunity a shoplifter will have of making away with your products without an alarm sounding, this also allows for your store's genuine customers to purchase tagged products with the confidence that they won't face any embarrassing situations when they leave the store.

The Great Benefits of EAS Systems And Security Tags

Here are 5 reasons why you should think about using/updating your EAS security systems to protect your stock:

  • Accurate Tracking. First and foremost, EAS tags are able to be sensed by modern tracking systems much better than older systems. Previously, the limits of the monitoring range wouldn't go far from the system's installation – which is normally by the exit of a store. This would give any daring shoplifter ample opportunity to make good their escape. With modern tagging systems, you can successfully sense tags from much further away, giving you the opportunity to stop any potential thief in their tracks.
  • Affordability. If you consider the fact that you are able to purchase retail security tags in bulk, with their effectiveness in being tracked; they provide a somewhat long-term cost-effective solution in protecting your stock. If you consider too, how much stock and profit you may lose without one (or even with an outdated, ineffective system), the initial layout for a new system will pale in comparison.
  • Usability. One of the best features of modern EAS tags is that they are quick-and-easy to fix onto the item that they're protecting – yet extremely difficult to remove without their dedicated deactivator.
  • Reliability. EAS security systems and their tags are extremely reliable; as mentioned, their durable nature makes them unlikely to be removed by any simple hand tool and will need a specific deactivator to ensure their removal. The added benefit is that modern devices will include a specific unlocking code, which the deactivator has to match – as well as a secondary alarm system that will sound if the tag is indeed tampered with.
  • Bestows A Sense of Serenity on The Store. The last thing that any dedicated staff member or loyal customer wants when they enter your store, is to worry about the atmosphere and security of the environment around them. EAS tags will give your staff the peace in mind in knowing that they won't have to constantly look out for people who may have designs on shoplifting, a watchful eye that may, in turn, make genuine customers feel uncomfortable. With tags installed on your products, the task of looking after the security can be assigned to just one-or-two members of staff, whilst the others can concentrate on their roles, offering the best service and shopping experience for your customers.

Choose Tagmax To Update Your EAS Security

If you're thinking about updating your EAS security systems or embarking on installing one for the very first time, we at Tagmax can help. For over 20 years, we have served the retail industry by installing the latest in EAS systems – having seen many technological advancements within that time, we can say that thanks to the effectiveness of the systems we have at our disposal, today represents the perfect time in which to invest in your security.

If you would like to discuss why a brand-new EAS system would be of benefit to your business, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team today. You can call us on 0800 044 3160 or alternatively, you can send an e-mail to us at sales@tagmax.co.uk

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