How security tagging helps to reduce shoplifting during the Christmas period

Posted on 15 Dec 2022
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The Christmas period is one of the busiest times of the year for retailers, as shoppers descend on stores in search of the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Unfortunately, it's also a time when shoplifting increases. According to the Office of National Statistics, shoplifting in the first quarter of 2022 rose by 21% – something of a concern as we approach busy shopping periods such as Christmas.

One way that retailers are combatting this problem is by using security tagging on their products. Security tags are small devices that are attached to items in a store and set off an alarm if they are removed without being deactivated first. This makes it much more difficult for shoplifters to steal items, as they need to have a way of deactivating the tag before they can leave the store without setting off an alarm.

How security tagging works

Security tags work by emitting a radio frequency (RF) signal that is detected by sensors at store exits. If an item with a security tag attached is brought through the sensors without having been deactivated first, an alarm will sound. This immediately alerts store staff to the fact that someone is attempting to leave the store with merchandise that has not been paid for.

There are two main types of security tags:hard tags and soft tags. Hard tags are made from plastic or metal and are attached to items using a pin. They are more visible than soft tags and are typically used for higher-priced items. Soft tags, on the other hand, are made from paper or cloth and can be attached directly to clothing or other fabric-based items. They are less visible than hard tags and so can be used fora wider range of products.

The benefits of security tagging

Security tagging provides several benefits for retailers, including deterring shoplifting, reducing shrinkage (the loss of inventory due to theft), and improving cash flow (by ensuring that all inventory is accounted for). In addition, because security tags make it moredifficult for shoplifters to steal items, they can also help to reduce the risk of violence and injury in stores.

Security tags are small devices that are attached to items of clothing or merchandise. They are usually made of plasticor metal and contain a small electronic chip. The tag is removed when the itemis purchased. Security tags deter shoplifting by making it difficult for thieves to remove the tags without setting off an alarm.

There are many benefits to using security tags, including

  • They act as a deterrent to shoplifting and theft.
  • They help to increase sales as customers are less likely to leave items in the changing room if they know they will set off an alarm.
  • They help to increase customer satisfaction as customers feel assured that their purchases are secure.
  • They help to reduce losses due to shrinkage (theft and damage).
  • They are easy to use and relatively inexpensive.

Security tags are an effective way to protect your merchandise and your business. If you are considering using security tags, we encourage you to do so. Your business will thank you for it!

Interested in learning more about how security tagging can help your business to thrive? Why not get in touch with the experts here at Tagmax for an informal chat today?

Choose Tagmax For Your Retail Security

We are extremely proud to say that our security tag solutions are invaluable to some of the UK's leading businesses and retailers. In fact, Tagmax are one of the UK's leading providers of retail security.

Here at Tagmax, we aim to provide national retail groups with unique, well-made security products that prevent theft and reduce shrinkage within their store environment. Our team of retail security specialists we strive to source the latest design and most innovative products manufactured from around the world. Simply put, without our bespoke retail security, there is no doubt that the seretailers would be extremely vulnerable to theft and anti-social behaviour across the country.

Our security and loss-prevention team are here to ensure that your business can protect its employees, customers, property and profits. So, if you would like advice or have any questions regarding the security solutions that are available, our team of experts will be happy to help you identify the product that best meets your business' needs.

So, for more information, or to take advantage of our loss-reducing security solutions, don't hesitate to get in touch with our professional team of security specialists on 0800 0443160 or 07770 870 875

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