Preventing Thefts Before They Happen – With EAS Security Tag Systems

Posted on 11 Sep 2017
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For the uninitiated, it may sound like something from a science-fiction film; the ability to prevent a crime before one takes place. This ultimate crime prevention technique doesn't require experimentation or a natural genetic mutation that allows us to see into the future though. Thanks to EAS security tag systems we can detect when someone is attempting to steal something before they get away with it.

How EAS Security Tag Systems Help Retailers Protect Their Stock.

EAS security tag systems are plentiful in today's retail world – items such as clothing, electronics and cosmetics are just three examples of products that are protected by such devices. It's a common misconception too that these systems and their accompanying tags are extremely expensive and can only be afforded by the major chain retailers – this isn't true. Any type of store can implement a modern tagging system within their retail operation, simply because as time as moved on, so does methods in which the technology is created. Now in plentiful supply, the price of such a system is now affordable for most retailers.

The way in which the system works, is relativity simple; it sends out radio waves that go 'looking' for the tags that have been placed on products. When it detects the device entering its field of monitoring, it sends a signal to the operator (normally sounding an alarm too), which ensures that any potential thieves are caught red-handed before they leave the store.

The Benefits of Installing A More-Modern Retail Tagging System.

If you're a retailer wondering how modern EAS security tag systems can prevent someone from taking one of your products outside of the confines of your store, here are some ways it can help:

  • Reliability. The obvious benefit of modern EAS tagging systems is that they offer new and improved features when compared to older systems. Made for the modern world we now live in, they will be better equipped to offer a long-term security solution, as older types of systems would have grown unreliable or even broken down by now.
  • High detection rates. Newer EAS security tag systems are fitted with better sensing capabilities, so are able to detect if a tagged product has been taken through your security zone. Our systems are increasingly more accurate in sensing tags than ever before. This will give your staff confidence that if an alarm goes off they can approach the customer knowing there is tagged merchandise nearby.
  • One of the great things about retail security systems is that they can be shaped and adapted to how your store operates. For example, if your store is already suffering from a lack of space or doesn't want to necessarily alarm genuine customers with the presence of such a system, a under floor system can be installed. If you want your system to provide that visible deterrent, you can do so with a pedestal system – the choice is yours.
  • Allows Staff To Concentrate on what they do best. Now staff can concentrate on what they do best by offering your customers excellent customer service, safe in the knowledge that the tagging system will be quietly monitoring and looking for shoplifters in the back ground.
  • Promotes a Positive In-Store Atmosphere and Reputation. Speaking of your genuine customers; knowing that their shopping experience will be undertaken in an environment that is safe and secure will help them to enjoy their time in your store, viewing it in a positive light. This will make for great brand loyalty as they'll feel like they can visit this safe, positive environment to do their shopping again.
  • Easy and Quick Installation. You won't have to shut your business for a day or two to get your security up and running. A retail tagging system can be installed quickly and easily outside business hours which ensures that you don't have to endure any profit-affecting downtime as a result.

Retail Security Tags From Tagmax.

This year, we at Tagmax are proud to be celebrating our 20th year in the retail security industry. Throughout those 2 decades, we have helped homeowners, retailers, schools and businesses to protect their buildings, stock and clients and staff alike with our CCTV solutions and EAS security tag systems. The fact that we've been operating within the industry for so long should go some way to explain how effective our solutions are. Being one of the leaders in retail security in London, we endeavour to stay at the forefront of the industry, changing and adapting with modern technologies and trends in order to offer our clients the best products on the market.

No matter your requirements, type of establishment or business it's housed in, we can assure you that we are able to transform your environment into one that is safe and secure, saving you any undue worry and leaving you to concentrate on your business.

Contact Tagmax Today To Learn More On How To Protect Your Business.

If you would like further information on how we are able to put in place the ideal cost-effective modern EAS security tag systems for your business, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. You can call our friendly retail security experts on 0800 044 3160, or send an e-mail to

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